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Community Protection Project ESA Biological Assessment

The Plumas Community Protection Project is proposed to provide long-term protection from wildfire to communities in unburned or partially burned areas. The project is in the Plumas National Forest (PNF) and encompasses approximately 168,000 acres of National Forest System lands. The planning area overlaps with unburned forested areas near communities within the Plumas National Forest administrative boundary.

Arden Pump Station Wet Well Rehabilitation Project

Regional San is rehabilitating the Arden Pump Station Wet Well. The project includes replacement of equipment associated with the existing flushing station on Chicken Ranch Slough, construction of a temporary concrete pad to support a temporary bypass pump for wastewater, and other temporary impacts in an adjacent stormwater basin. The slough and the stormwater basin have a direct hydrologic connection with the Lower American River. Ascent conducted an aquatic resources delineation and prepared the delineation report for submittal to USACE.

Tomales Bay State Park Public Works Plan for Vegetation Treatment

California State Parks is proposing the Tomales Bay State Park Forest Health and Wildfire Resilience Project to implement vegetation treatments on up to 2,433 acres along Tomales Bay within the ancestral lands of the Coast Miwok. Ascent prepared a Public Works Plan and Coastal VTS as a companion to the CalVTP to comply with the Coastal Act and coordinated with the California State Coastal Commission.

Chemours Oakley Remediation Project

The City of Sacramento’s 2021–2029 Housing Element is an 8-year strategy to meet the housing needs of current and future residents by providing opportunities for increased overall housing production, greater housing affordability, advancement of equity and inclusion, and protection against residential displacement.

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