Ascent assisted Pioneer Technologies with biological permitting for remediation and restoration of a former manufacturing site in the San Joaquin Delta. The project involved implementation of corrective measures to remedy soil, sediment, and groundwater contamination that resulted from former manufacturing at the site. Using a previously prepared aquatic resources delineation, Ascent prepared a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit application, including information to support ESA Section 7 consultation for effects to federally listed terrestrial and aquatic species, and NHPA Section 106 for cultural resources. Ascent coordinated with USACE to obtain a Nationwide Permit. We also prepared an application for a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the Regional Water Quality Control Board and a Streambed Alteration Agreement from CDFW.
In addition to permitting, we conducted peer review of baseline biological studies, including biological assessments for giant gartersnake and delta smelt, the project’s Initial Study, and the mitigation monitoring and reporting plan. A conceptual wetland restoration plan was also developed to compensate for loss of freshwater emergent wetland habitat along with a fish rescue plan to facilitate consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Regulatory Permitting
Clean Water Act Sections 401 (Water Quality Certification), 404 (Preconstruction Notifications)
Federal Endangered Species Act
California Fish and Game Code Section 1602, Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements
“Thank you very much on your support on getting this project permitted. It’s been a long road and I’m glad we’ve finally gotten to the end of it.”
– Nathan Starr, L.G.
Senior Geologist
PIONEER Technologies Corporation