Regulatory Permitting

Navigating complex regulations from planning to completion.
Different regulations have different requirements. Our experts understand how these requirements interact and use that knowledge to effectively coordinate with governing agencies to determine specific permitting needs. Our interdisciplinary staff of regulatory specialists, wetland ecologists, botanists, soil scientists, hydrologists, biologists, and natural resources planning experts collaboratively guide a project’s permitting from planning to completion. We integrate planning and environmental review with years of experience in project implementation and leading-edge strategies to develop the best regulatory compliance approaches for each project. We have worked closely with regulatory staff from the US Forest Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Regional Water Boards, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Coastal Commission, and Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.
- Clean Water Act Sections 404, 401 (Water Quality Certification), 402 (NPDES)
- Aquatic Resource Delineation Report Preparation
- Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10
- Federal Endangered Species Act (including USFWS Section 7 Consultation)
- California Endangered Species Act
- California Fish and Game Code Section 1602, Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements
- National Historic Preservation Act
- California Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (RWQCB Waste Discharge Requirements Authorization, NPDES permits from municipal separate storm sewer systems [MS4s], industrial activities, construction activities)
- CDFW Statutory Exemptions for Restoration Projects (SERP), Cutting Green Tape
- Coastal Development Permits and Public Works Plans
- Levee Encroachment Permits
- Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Permits
- California State Parks
- US Forest Service
- California Tahoe Conservancy
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- East Bay Regional Park District
- National Park Service
- California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
- California High-Speed Rail Authority
- Sacramento Area Sewer District
- Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
- Tahoe Resource Conservation District
- City of Lathrop