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Resource Management

Sound resource stewardship often demands innovative, science-driven planning.

Ascent staff are experts in leading planning projects where protection, enhancement, management, and/or restoration of sensitive habitats or natural processes and functions are the objectives. We have assisted conservancies, tribes, state natural resource agencies, federal land management agencies, and local governments with plans for the managed use and care of their important natural and cultural resources. Whether a state park general plan, wildlife area land management plan, nature-based park master plan, tribal cultural use management plan, or stream or wetland restoration plan, sound stewardship is the intended outcome.

  • State park general plans and management plans
  • Open space management planning
  • SB 1425 (2022) rewilding strategies
  • Natural resources management planning
  • Integration of traditional ecological knowledge
Statewide, California
2015 State Wildlife Action Plan
Placer and El Dorado Counties, California
Auburn State Recreation Area Resource Management Plan and General Plan
South Lake Tahoe, California
Johnson Meadow Restoration and Land Management Plan
Marin County, California
Tomales Bay State Park Public Works Plan for Vegetation Treatment
Plumas County, California
Tásmam Koyóm Cultural Park Management Plan
Monterey County, California
Carmel Area State Parks General Plan

Adam Lewandowski AICP
Senior Project Manager


Curtis E. Alling AICP
Principal – Environmental


Lara Rachowicz PhD
Senior Ecologist/Senior Environmental Project Manager

Email Lara

  • California State Parks
  • California Tahoe Conservancy
  • Sierra Nevada Conservancy
  • US Bureau of Reclamation
  • Tahoe Resource Conservation District
  • Maidu Summit Consortium
  • California Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • US Forest Service
  • Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
CEQA Considerations for Community Wildfire Protection Plans

Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) focus on reducing wildfire risk to people, homes, businesses, watersheds, cultural resources, infrastructure, natural ecosystems, and other values or resources within the community. CWPPs are collaboratively developed by local, state, federal and tribal partners, such as emergency responders, FireSafe Councils, local planning staff, and state or federal resource agencies. The California CWPP Toolkit, a great new resource, has been launched by the state. It is a free online resource containing a comprehensive guide, customizable template, best practices, and additional resources to help communities develop and implement effective CWPPs.

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