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Tomales Bay State Park Public Works Plan for Vegetation Treatment

California State Parks is proposing the Tomales Bay State Park Forest Health and Wildfire Resilience Project to implement vegetation treatments on up to 2,433 acres along Tomales Bay within the ancestral lands of the Coast Miwok. Treatments are proposed to promote forest health and resiliency in areas affected by the exclusion of fire, drought, pests, or pathogens. The impacts from these stressors have resulted in increased fuel loads, which reduce the health and resilience of the park’s habitats and increase the potential risk of impacts from catastrophic wildfires. The primary goals of the program are to preserve and steward the park’s Bishop pine and mixed hardwood forests, improve resilience of the vegetation in the park for ecological benefit and to reduce wildfire risk, and reestablish tribal priorities for vegetation management in the park. Ascent prepared a Public Works Plan and Coastal VTS as a companion to the CalVTP to comply with the Coastal Act and coordinated with the California State Coastal Commission.

Project Contact

Lara Rachowicz, PhD
California State Parks

Resource Management Planning
Regulatory Permitting
Coastal Development Permits and Public Works Plans

Resource Management
Marin County, California
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