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San Diego County Safety Element Update and New Environmental Justice Element

Ascent led the effort to update the Safety Element and create a new Environmental Justice Element as part of San Diego County’s effort to ensure that its General Plan meets new state requirements. Ascent worked with the County to execute a coordinated strategy for adopting the Safety Element and the Environmental Justice Element, concurrent with the County’s Housing Element, which was being developed through a separate but coordinated process.

City of San Diego Inclusive Public Engagement Guide

The City of San Diego’s Inclusive Public Engagement Guide represents a transformative approach to civic engagement, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of engagement efforts, build trust with community partners, and encourage inclusivity across all sectors.

SMUD East Campus Operations Center Master Plan

SMUD's EC-OC Master Plan addresses the continued growth in employee and physical and operational needs to meet the demands of SMUD’s customers. The Master Plan establishes the guiding principles for campus development and defines the land use, circulation, landscape, open space, security, and sustainability frameworks for campus growth, provides guidelines for future development, and outlines the actions and priorities needed to implement the vision and strategies of the plan.

Truckee 2040 General Plan and Downtown Truckee Plan Update

The 2040 General Plan includes a new Climate Action Plan Element, the first in Truckee’s history. It also includes new mixed-use land use designations as part of a comprehensive approach to increasing housing development opportunities, reducing GHG emissions, supporting transit, and reducing vehicle miles traveled.

SANDAG Technical Assistance Program

Ascent is assisting SANDAG with the Housing Acceleration Program (HAP) Technical Assistance Program, providing staffing support and assistance to local jurisdictions on housing policy and legislation, housing element implementation, and CEQA streamlining to assist SANDAG’s 19 member agencies. The program supports implementation of SANDAG’s 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment Plan, 2021 Regional Plan, and Sustainable Communities Strategy.

Port of San Diego Master Plan Update

The City of Sacramento’s 2021–2029 Housing Element is an 8-year strategy to meet the housing needs of current and future residents by providing opportunities for increased overall housing production, greater housing affordability, advancement of equity and inclusion, and protection against residential displacement.

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