Ascent led the effort to update the Safety Element and create a new Environmental Justice Element as part of San Diego County’s effort to ensure that its General Plan meets new state requirements. Ascent worked with the County to execute a coordinated strategy for adopting the Safety Element and the Environmental Justice Element, concurrent with the County’s Housing Element, which was being developed through a separate but coordinated process. As part of this effort, Ascent developed a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Strategies Report; conducted an assessment of disadvantaged communities; led public outreach for the project, including public workshops and partnerships with community-based organizations; and prepared an Addendum to the County’s General Plan Program EIR to analyze potential impacts of the project and meet the requirements of CEQA. Ascent oversaw the preparation of the Safety Element and Environmental Justice Element, which was developed in coordination with subconsultants with additional specialized expertise. The County adopted the Safety Element and the Environmental Justice Element in July 2021.

Environmental Justice
Comprehensive Planning
Climate Action Planning
Community Engagement
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