Ascent worked with Nexus Planning & Research, the San Diego Unified Port District, and a multidisciplinary team of consultants to prepare a comprehensive update to the Port Master Plan. The work program includes the comprehensive update of all bay-wide and Planning District guidance, addressing allowable uses and activities, future development, and management of all water and land areas within the District’s jurisdiction on and around San Diego Bay. This effort is often referred to as “the future of the Port” and supports the Port’s mission to develop San Diego Bay for multiple purposes and uses for the benefit of the people of California (Port Act), to meet Coastal Act requirements, and to facilitate future project implementation.
Ascent’s role included leading the effort to update all Planning District chapters, which function as precise plans for all subareas within the District’s jurisdiction, as well as the integration of Planning District strategies with bay-wide policies, and the preparation of the complete graphic document. This effort included the development of policy, as well as development and design standards, including criteria to guide land use, development character, and mobility and coastal access improvements.
Urban Design
Comprehensive Planning
Master Planning