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2015 State Wildlife Action Plan

CDFW prepared a state action plan for fish and wildlife conservation, known as the 2015 California State Wildlife Action Plan, or SWAP 2015. SWAP 2015 updated the 2005 SWAP and contains “comprehensive wildlife conservation strategies” that will help conserve wildlife and vital natural areas before they become rarer and more costly to protect. SWAP 2015 identified the species of greatest conservation need for each target ecosystem, defined their key ecological attributes, and prescribed measures to best protect the ecosystems from human-caused pressures and environmental stresses, importantly including climate change. Ascent was the lead consultant of the team helping CDFW to prepare SWAP 2015. The plan created a vision for fish and wildlife conservation in California; updated the list of Species of Greatest Conservation Need; organized habitat conditions, pressures, and stresses geographically into nine SWAP provinces; described conservation strategies for over 50 species/habitat targets; incorporated best available climate science data and information for adaptation to climate stressors; and actively engaged the public in the plan scoping and review.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Resource Management
Statewide, California

Outstanding Environmental Resource Document (AEP)
Award of Merit in Innovation in Green Community Planning (Sacramento Valley Section APA)

Blue Earth Consultants, Foundations of Success

Project Contact

Linda Leeman, CWB
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