Ascent assisted California State Parks with the preparation of a General Plan and EIR for the four individual units comprising the Carmel Area State Parks: Point Lobos State Natural, Carmel River State Beach, Point Lobos Ranch, and Hatton Canyon. The General Plan includes overarching resource conservation, outdoor recreation, park management, and interpretation/education goals and guidelines for the parks while addressing the individual issues and opportunities associated with resource-specific management zones. The General Plan establishes several preserves within the state park lands to protect coastal habitats, San Jose Creek (for steelhead and California red-legged frog), a large expanse of mountain lion habitat, and rare plant communities (e.g., Monterey cypress, Gowen cypress).
Located along the Monterey County coastline, the plan area includes many sensitive ecological resources but is also renowned as a tourism destination for visitors from around the world. It is sometimes described as being “loved to death,” referring to the damage that has occurred with overuse. Key issues included protection and restoration of sensitive coastal and marine resources; adaptation to climate change vulnerabilities; and provision of environmentally sensitive, high-quality outdoor recreation opportunities.

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