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2015 State Wildlife Action Plan

CDFW prepared a state action plan for fish and wildlife conservation, known as the 2015 California State Wildlife Action Plan, or SWAP 2015. SWAP 2015 identified the species of greatest conservation need for each target ecosystem, defined their key ecological attributes, and prescribed measures to best protect the ecosystems from human-caused pressures and environmental stresses, importantly including climate change.

Auburn State Recreation Area Resource Management Plan and General Plan

The Auburn State Recreation Area General Plan and Resource Management Plan is a comprehensive land management plan for the approximately 33,000-acre Auburn State Recreation Area. The plan includes lands along the North and Middle Forks of the American River that are owned by the US Bureau of Reclamation and Bureau of Land Management and managed by CDPR.

Johnson Meadow Restoration and Land Management Plan

The Upper Truckee River has been modified by humans since the mid-1800s by cattle grazing, logging, channel manipulation, and urban development. Restoration of the river and Johnson Meadow would support the clarity of Lake Tahoe, improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat, increase climate resilience, and provide numerous ecosystem benefits. Ascent conducted biological, cultural, and wetland field surveys to support the development of a feasibility report and conceptual alternatives.

Tomales Bay State Park Public Works Plan for Vegetation Treatment

California State Parks is proposing the Tomales Bay State Park Forest Health and Wildfire Resilience Project to implement vegetation treatments on up to 2,433 acres along Tomales Bay within the ancestral lands of the Coast Miwok. Ascent prepared a Public Works Plan and Coastal VTS as a companion to the CalVTP to comply with the Coastal Act and coordinated with the California State Coastal Commission.

Tásmam Koyóm Cultural Park Management Plan

Divestiture of PG&E lands through the Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council created a historic opportunity to return ownership and management of part of the original Maidu homeland to the tribal community. Over 2,300 acres comprising the Humbug Valley properties have continued to be important to the tribe over the centuries of ownership by others. Ascent assisted the Maidu with preparation of a Land Management Plan that will guide use and management of the properties, with priority goals and strategies coming from tribal community input, while integrating features to comply with the mandate of the Stewardship Council and natural resources management objectives of CDFW.

Carmel Area State Parks General Plan

Ascent assisted California State Parks with the preparation of a General Plan and EIR for the four individual units comprising the Carmel Area State Parks: Point Lobos State Natural, Carmel River State Beach, Point Lobos Ranch, and Hatton Canyon. The General Plan includes overarching resource conservation, outdoor recreation, park management, and interpretation/education goals and guidelines for the parks while addressing the individual issues and opportunities associated with resource-specific management zones.

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