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SCAG Development Streamlining Guidance for Increasing Housing Supply

In response to the region’s housing crisis, SCAG developed a comprehensive package of guidance materials to help local governments accelerate the CEQA and administrative processes to expedite needed additional residential supply. The materials include user-friendly resources and toolkits to help local planning agency staff with day-to-day housing application processing and simplifying internal entitlement processes, such as expanding the use of ministerial approvals, to avoid delays and added expenses that can exacerbate the housing crisis.

NASSCO Floating Dry Dock Replacement and Waterfront Improvement Project EIR

Ascent prepared an EIR for the Floating Dry Dock Replacement and Waterfront Improvement Project, an expansive port facility adjacent to San Diego Bay. The project is designed to address existing deficiencies related to the age and condition of structures, shoreline sloughing, and outdated operational conditions at the existing dry dock at the Port of San Diego.

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 2035 Master Plan EIR

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo required a programmatic EIR for its 2035 Master Plan. Cal Poly retained Ascent’s assistance in 2022 following issuance of a Draft EIR for the Master Plan in 2017. Because of concerns raised by the City of San Luis Obispo about utility capacity and revisions to the Master Plan, Cal Poly sought to revise and reissue the Draft EIR. The Master Plan EIR was completed within 8 months and included extensive coordination with City staff.

Meeks Bay Restoration and Public Access Project EIS/EIS/EIR

Planning and environmental review were coordinated for the stream restoration and public recreation project at Meeks Bay on the west shore of Lake Tahoe. Restoration of Meeks Creek will provide substantial water quality and habitat benefits. However, it will require the removal of the Meeks Marina and result in boating access loss. Alternative features include marina removal and Meeks Creek restoration, SR 89 bridge replacement, bicycle and pedestrian paths, improved vehicle circulation, parking, boat ramp, small marina and pier, and reconfigured campgrounds.

California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) Program EIR

In response to the growing wildfire crisis, the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection initiated the new statewide California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) to achieve fire fuel treatment of 250,000 acres per year in the State Responsibility Area. An innovative Program EIR and project streamlining strategy were prepared to substantially streamline implementation of later activities consistent with CalVTP strategies for fire fuel reduction, fuel break development, and ecological restoration.

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