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NASSCO Floating Dry Dock Replacement and Waterfront Improvement Project EIR

Ascent prepared an EIR for the Floating Dry Dock Replacement and Waterfront Improvement Project, an expansive port facility adjacent to San Diego Bay.  Proposed by General Dynamics-NASSCO, the project involved proposed replacement of the existing floating dry dock and construction of supporting infrastructure; repair of the Complex Wharf Improvements; repairs to the quay wall toe of slope along stretches of shoreline throughout the NASSCO leasehold, which includes shoreline segments Lot 20 to Pier 12, floating dry dock approach pier to Berth 8, Ways to Building Dock, Berth 2 to Berth 3, Berth 4 to Berth 5, and Berth 6 to Navy Base Quay Wall; and as-needed structural repair and/or replacement of selected piles at Berths 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 at Pier 12 and the floating dry dock approach pier, and at the Berth 1 Platform. The project is designed to address existing deficiencies related to the age and condition of structures, shoreline sloughing, and outdated operational conditions at the existing dry dock at the Port of San Diego.

Project Contact

Nicole Greenfield
San Diego Unified Port District
San Diego, California
Illingworth & Rodkin, Intersecting Metrics, Marine Taxonomic Services, Ridgeline Environmental, WSP
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