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SMUD East Campus Operations Center Master Plan

SMUD's EC-OC Master Plan addresses the continued growth in employee and physical and operational needs to meet the demands of SMUD’s customers. The Master Plan establishes the guiding principles for campus development and defines the land use, circulation, landscape, open space, security, and sustainability frameworks for campus growth, provides guidelines for future development, and outlines the actions and priorities needed to implement the vision and strategies of the plan.

California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) Program EIR

In response to the growing wildfire crisis, the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection initiated the new statewide California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) to achieve fire fuel treatment of 250,000 acres per year in the State Responsibility Area. An innovative Program EIR and project streamlining strategy were prepared to substantially streamline implementation of later activities consistent with CalVTP strategies for fire fuel reduction, fuel break development, and ecological restoration.

Elk Grove Community Mobility Resilience Plan

The City of Sacramento’s 2021–2029 Housing Element is an 8-year strategy to meet the housing needs of current and future residents by providing opportunities for increased overall housing production, greater housing affordability, advancement of equity and inclusion, and protection against residential displacement.

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