Ascent partnered with City staff to develop a comprehensive strategy to prepare for the impacts of climate change and increase Elk Grove’s physical and fiscal resilience. The Community Mobility Resilience Plan focuses on three areas that the City considers to be the top priorities in terms of adaptation to climate change: extreme heat, flooding, and the fiscal impact to the City of loss of sales tax revenue due to shifts in transportation behavior and technology. Ascent led a dynamic and inclusive planning process to fully understand how Elk Grove will be exposed to climate change over the next century, analyze how projected changes will likely impact the city, and develop a climate adaptation plan to ensure the city can continue to thrive in the future. Plan development included a transparent, stakeholder-informed community process including public workshops, online outreach and education, and the formation of three working groups corresponding to the three focus areas in the plan comprising City staff, representatives from state and regional agencies, community organizations, and residents.
Elk Grove Community Mobility Resilience Plan
City of Elk Grove
Elk Grove, California
Kearns & West, Hatch Urban Solutions
Honey Walters