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Community Protection Project ESA Biological Assessment

The Plumas Community Protection Project is proposed to provide long-term protection from wildfire to communities in unburned or partially burned areas. The project is in the Plumas National Forest (PNF) and encompasses approximately 168,000 acres of National Forest System lands. The planning area overlaps with unburned forested areas near communities within the Plumas National Forest administrative boundary.

Meeks Bay Restoration and Public Access Project EIS/EIS/EIR

Planning and environmental review were coordinated for the stream restoration and public recreation project at Meeks Bay on the west shore of Lake Tahoe. Restoration of Meeks Creek will provide substantial water quality and habitat benefits. However, it will require the removal of the Meeks Marina and result in boating access loss. Alternative features include marina removal and Meeks Creek restoration, SR 89 bridge replacement, bicycle and pedestrian paths, improved vehicle circulation, parking, boat ramp, small marina and pier, and reconfigured campgrounds.

Auburn State Recreation Area Resource Management Plan and General Plan

The Auburn State Recreation Area General Plan and Resource Management Plan is a comprehensive land management plan for the approximately 33,000-acre Auburn State Recreation Area. The plan includes lands along the North and Middle Forks of the American River that are owned by the US Bureau of Reclamation and Bureau of Land Management and managed by CDPR.

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