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New Information and Tools to Support CalVTP Implementation

Project Learning
by Heather Blair; Lara Rachowicz, PhD; and Curtis Alling, AICP

The Board of Forestry and Fire Protection announces the release of new tools for efficient California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) implementation and Project-Specific Analysis (PSA) preparation. A storymap presents more information on this new Resource Library. The Resource Library features example PSAs and PSA/Addenda, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Implementation Tools, and updated Frequently Asked Questions. Find the CalVTP Resource Library on the Board’s updated CalVTP homepage.

Expediting approvals of important vegetation treatment projects while protecting sensitive resources is essential in the State’s response to the wildfire crisis. It requires innovative regulatory compliance pathways to help the State increase the pace and scale of those treatments. To this end, Ascent partnered with the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection to develop information and tools based on experience with CalVTP implementation and feedback received from agencies and organizations using the CalVTP during trainings, webinars, and other interactions.

Please view the storymap for more information on the CalVTP Resource Library.
The CalVTP Resource Library can be accessed on the Board’s CalVTP homepage.

The CalVTP is a cornerstone in California’s strategy to increase the pace and scale of vegetation treatment to address the wildfire crisis. The CalVTP Program EIR is a powerful tool to expedite CEQA compliance for wildfire resilience projects and facilitate efficient permitting, including for the California Coastal Act and California Endangered Species Act. Since CalVTP implementation began in 2020, the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection has collected feedback about how to support efficient CalVTP use. To respond to feedback and further assist CalVTP users, the Board has prepared the CalVTP Resource Library, which includes the following:

  1. Example PSAs and PSA/Addenda: PSAs and PSA/Addenda serve as examples for others seeking to expedite vegetation treatment projects. They cover a variety of geographies, treatment types and activities, and environmental issues. To help users identify analyses that address issues of interest to them, an index spreadsheet with the ability to sort and filter is provided with the compilation of example PSAs and PSA/Addenda.
  2. MMRP Implementation Tools: For projects in implementation stages, tools are provided to help with compliance and reporting related to CalVTP Standard Project Requirements and mitigation measures. The implementation tools include templates for project kickoff items, flow-charts for special-status species protection and work in sensitive habitat areas, and a template for an SPR AD-7 project completion report. A User Guide provides guidance on the use of these tools.
  3. Updated FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on the CalVTP have been updated with lessons from the last 4 years of implementation.
  4. Treatable Landscape Calculator and User Guide: It is now possible to overlay a planned project area onto the CalVTP treatable landscape to determine the extent (i.e., acres) of its coverage.

Any Questions?

Lara Rachowicz, PhD

Lara Rachowicz, PhD

Senior Ecologist/Senior Environmental Project Manager
Curtis E. Alling, AICP

Curtis E. Alling, AICP

Principal – Environmental
Heather Blair

Heather Blair

Principal – Environmental


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