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Consensus Building for Climate Action Planning –
A Professional Development Webinar

Event Learning
by Hannah Kornfeld, AICP and Matt Gelbman, AICP

How do you build consensus when facing a challenge as complicated and intersectional as climate change? Check out our free recorded webinar and scenario toolkit below, to learn how to collaborate with stakeholders to create a climate action plan that meets multiple objectives and benefits. This information will be of broad interest to local government agencies and consultants seeking to train their teams on the political considerations of climate action planning.  During the 60-minute webinar, you will hear from Ascent’s climate and community engagement leaders to:

  • Use a consensus-building simulator to evaluate climate action strategies that balance various goals and trade-offs;
  • Consider how multiple (and sometimes conflicting) objectives can be met in climate action planning; and
  • Learn about best practices for equitably engaging stakeholders in the planning process.



Any Questions?

Matt Gelbman, AICP

Matt Gelbman, AICP

Senior Urban Planner
Hannah Kornfeld, AICP

Hannah Kornfeld, AICP

Climate Practice Leader


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