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Liberty Utilities On-Call Support

We support Liberty Utilities with a comprehensive suite of environmental and natural resource services, including aquatic resource delineation, biological surveys and monitoring, permit acquisition, and compliance with both NEPA and CEQA.

Our team performs aquatic habitat, wildlife, and botanical surveys to bolster Liberty’s vegetation management and pole replacement initiatives. These efforts are crucial in mitigating the threat of catastrophic wildfires. Additionally, we conduct active nest surveys during pole maintenance operations to minimize the risk of next abandonment. To further reduce fire hazards, Ascent also carries out invasive plant surveys at Liberty’s Luning solar array.

We have successfully secured numerous permits for Liberty’s diverse projects across various jurisdictions, including Placer County, El Dorado County, the City of South Lake Tahoe, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, CalTrans, and the US Forest Service. These permits have facilitated a range of critical infrastructure improvements, such as substation fence replacements, comprehensive vegetation management programs, pole and overhead wire replacements, and electric line undergrounding projects.

Liberty Utilities
California and Nevada

“For well over 12 years Ascent has provided Liberty Utilities with a deep bench of environmental expertise, consulting services, and field monitoring services. Ascents experience with complicated projects and issues within the Lake Tahoe Basin and surrounding areas make them a valuable consultant for us to continue working with.”

–Frank Papandrea
Liberty Utilities

Project Contact

Kelley Kelso, CPESC, QSD/QSP, QISP
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