I am a person who thrives on being in nature and I feel rewarded when my work benefits the environment. As documented in my fifth grade about-the-author note, I have known I wanted to be an environmental scientist for over 35 years. I have lived in South Lake Tahoe and worked in the environmental field since 1999 at nonprofit organizations, private companies, educational institutions, and local and state resource agencies. My projects include restoration projects, stormwater and environmental compliance projects, environmental permitting, biological surveys, and CEQA and NEPA documents. I enjoy skiing, hiking, backpacking, and traveling with my husband and two high-school-aged children. I am happy that my job allows me to pursue my passion to help the environment.
Tahoe Resource Conservation District Johnson Meadow Restoration Project Planning
California Tahoe Conservancy Upper Truckee Marsh Restoration Project
Board of Forestry and Fire Protection CalVTP EIR and Implementation
MS, Geology, UC Davis
BS, Geology, UCLA
South Tahoe High School Boosters Club (board member)
Ascent Green Team (co-chair)