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Liberty Utilities On-Call Support

We support Liberty Utilities with a comprehensive suite of environmental and natural resource services, including aquatic resource delineation, biological surveys and monitoring, permit acquisition, and compliance with both NEPA and CEQA.

Truckee 2040 General Plan and Downtown Truckee Plan Update

The 2040 General Plan includes a new Climate Action Plan Element, the first in Truckee’s history. It also includes new mixed-use land use designations as part of a comprehensive approach to increasing housing development opportunities, reducing GHG emissions, supporting transit, and reducing vehicle miles traveled.

Johnson Meadow Restoration and Land Management Plan

The Upper Truckee River has been modified by humans since the mid-1800s by cattle grazing, logging, channel manipulation, and urban development. Restoration of the river and Johnson Meadow would support the clarity of Lake Tahoe, improve aquatic and terrestrial habitat, increase climate resilience, and provide numerous ecosystem benefits. Ascent conducted biological, cultural, and wetland field surveys to support the development of a feasibility report and conceptual alternatives.

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