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SANDAG Technical Assistance Program

Ascent is assisting SANDAG with the Housing Acceleration Program (HAP) Technical Assistance Program, providing staffing support and assistance to local jurisdictions on housing policy and legislation, housing element implementation, and CEQA streamlining to assist SANDAG’s 19 member agencies. The program supports implementation of SANDAG’s 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment Plan, 2021 Regional Plan, and Sustainable Communities Strategy.

Sunnyvale 6th Cycle Housing Element

Ascent led the preparation of the City's sixth cycle Housing Element. Sunnyvale is the second largest city in Santa Clara County, with a population of over 150,000. In the heart of Silicon Valley, the city has some of the highest housing costs in the state, with a median home price of over $1.5 million.

El Cerrito 6th Cycle Housing Element

Ascent led the preparation of the City's sixth cycle Housing Element. El Cerrito is located in Contra Costa County, south of the city of Richmond and north of Albany and Berkeley. Similar to other East Bay cities, the flatlands along the Bay contain much of the commercial and higher-density housing, while the neighborhoods in the hills comprise mostly single-family homes on steep lots on narrow winding roads.

City of Sacramento 2021–2029 Housing Element

The City of Sacramento’s 2021–2029 Housing Element is an 8-year strategy to meet the housing needs of current and future residents by providing opportunities for increased overall housing production, greater housing affordability, advancement of equity and inclusion, and protection against residential displacement.

Union City 2023–2031 Housing Element

The 2023–2031 Housing Element update sets forth the policies and programs to address the housing needs of all households in Union City and addresses new state law requirements and statutory regulations. The project includes updating the sites inventory, developing a rezone strategy, preparing a fair housing assessment to affirmatively further fair housing, and conducting outreach in multiple languages (e.g., Spanish, Mandarin, Tagalog, Hindi) to reach the city’s multilingual residents.

Folsom 2021–2029 Housing Element

Ascent led the preparation of the City’s sixth cycle Housing Element. Folsom was assigned a much higher Regional Housing Needs Allocation, particularly the lower-income RHNA (70 percent increase). Ascent staff worked closely with City staff, landowners, and other stakeholders to develop a rezone strategy focused on increasing housing capacity at light rail stations, along the city’s primary commercial corridor, and in a newly developing town center.

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