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SB 2 Technical Assistance Webpage Helps Cities and Counties Accelerate Housing Production

Project Learning
by Chelsey Payne, AICP

As part of the SB2 Planning Grants Program, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is offering help with a webpage designed to provide technical assistance (TA) to help cities and counties accelerate housing production and streamline housing approvals. This Accelerating Housing Production webpage includes new resources, tools, and a first-ever statewide peer-to-peer sharing map.

This webpage will be updated regularly and more information will be continually added as the Planning Grants Program continues. Stay tuned for example policies and implementation strategies from other cities and counties throughout the state, as well as additional toolkits and resources to help speed up housing production and approvals.

Webpage Offers Helpful Resources 

TA Program Details: Get more information and background on the Technical Assistance program.

Tools and Resources: Links to toolkits, model ordinances, best practices, and more.

Planning Grants and Local Housing Strategies Map: HCD has created an interactive map that is meant to promote transparency throughout the planning grant funding and distribution process. It serves as a peer-to-peer resource for jurisdictions to share and learn what other cities/counties are doing to accelerate housing production all around the State. Users can:

  • See where HCD’s TA teams are conducting outreach and providing TA.
  • See which cities and counties are receiving TA from HCD.
  • View which jurisdictions are eligible for planning grants.
  • View which cities and counties have applied to receive planning grants from HCD and view the status of each application.
  • Submit your jurisdiction’s best practices for accelerating housing production for others to learn from and replicate.

TA Team Information: Find your regional liaison! He/she can help with your planning grant application or answer any questions. HCD and its partner, the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) can help, too.

Coming Soon

Model Ordinances and Code Amendments: A Collection of customizable model ordinances and code amendments, with an emphasis on by-right zoning will be added to the webpage. Model ordinances will include:

  • Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
  • Reasonable accommodation
  • Density bonus
  • Incentive zoning
  • A variety of housing-type ordinances

Objective Design and Development Standards Toolkit: This will include examples on infill and multifamily development for both rural and urban type jurisdictions.

ADU Toolkit: This will include a web-based calculator and permit-ready concepts.

ASCENT is a member of the TA team, led by PlaceWorks, that is supporting HCD’s efforts to help provide technical assistance and guidance to cities and counties applying for SB 2 grants. Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about the SB 2 Planning Grants, need technical assistance, or have any questions.

Any Questions?

Chelsey Payne, AICP

Chelsey Payne, AICP

Director of Urban Planning
Heidi Gen Kuong

Heidi Gen Kuong

Planner/Project Manager


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