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Village Center Master Plan

Ascent is working with the City of Sunnyvale on the Village Center Master Plan, a plan for seven Village Centers, identified in the City’s General Plan Land Use and Transportation Element (LUTE). The Master Plan will incorporate development concepts, updated zoning, streetscape strategies, and a toolkit of objective design and development standards for the infill and revitalization of seven mixed-use neighborhood nodes throughout Sunnyvale. The Master Plan will ensure integration into the surrounding neighborhoods while creating local identify and a sense of place with a vibrant mix of public, commercial, and residential activities and public space improvements. Extensive community engagement has been a key component of the planning process, including virtual workshops, study sessions, and online surveys.

City of Sunnyvale

Urban Design
Objective Design Standards
Community Engagement
Community Planning

Sunnyvale, California

Project Contact

Christine Babla, AIA, AICP, LEED AP
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