Ascent recently completed an update to the Downtown Sunnyvale Specific Plan, which will guide the evolution of the downtown area of the city. Downtown Sunnyvale is emerging with a mix of higher-density housing, ground-floor commercial retail and services, offices, entertainment, plazas, and public open space, as well as other amenities that will make Downtown a walkable and exciting 24-hour retail and entertainment destination for the community. The Specific Plan updates the area’s vision, policies, standards, and design guidelines with a focus on improving connectivity and establishing architectural, landscape, and public realm design standards and guidelines that support an active and vibrant downtown atmosphere. Design standards for mixed-use and multifamily residential architecture ensure new higher-intensity development being planned in the Downtown Commercial Core provides a pedestrian-oriented environment while also respecting the needs of existing, adjacent lower-intensity residential development. The Specific Plan sets the expectations for quality development through architectural design and detail, sustainable building and energy conservation design, urban greening, and improved multimodal choices and connections. It allows and balances higher densities in the Downtown in exchange for affordable housing and other public community benefits.

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