It was anticipated that the 2018 UC Davis Long Range Development Plan could result in potential impacts to special-status wildlife, including nesting birds and roosting bats. The LRDP included two mitigation measures (3.5-4a and 3.5-6) applying to birds that may nest in trees or on buildings and one mitigation measure (3.5-8b) applying to roosting bats. Swainson’s hawk and tricolored blackbird are species of special concern that are discussed in the mitigation measures. Ascent biologists prepared the Nesting Bird and Roosting Bat Guidance Document to outline procedures for dealing with nesting birds and bat roosts prior to and during building demolition activities under the LRDP. The document incorporates best practices for compliance with LRDP mitigation measures, the California Fish and Game Code, and the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The document also includes thorough yet streamlined strategies for methods to deter nesting and roosting on and inside buildings, as well as bird nest removal protocols considering several feasible demolition scenarios.
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Conservation and mitigation strategies
Biological Studies
Resource Management