Ascent is assisting Monterey County with its effort to develop a Community Climate Action and Adaptation Plan for 2030 and update its Municipal Climate Action Plan. The CCAAP will focus on developing strategies and programs to meet stringent GHG reduction targets through carbon-free electricity, building decarbonization, transportation decarbonization, zero waste, and carbon sequestration from working lands and urban forestry. Within the carbon storage inventory, Ascent is completing a geospatial analysis of existing carbon stored in vegetation and soils on natural and working lands within unincorporated Monterey County. Additionally, the carbon sequestration analysis will evaluate the rate of greenhouse gas emissions sequestered by vegetation and soils on natural and working lands in the county. The carbon storage is based on land cover types that are present in the Monterey County by acreage found in the geospatial analysis done through GIS. Data sources for land cover types will be evaluated through a literature review and chosen based on the resulting research.
Monterey County Community Climate Action and Adaptation Plan
County of Monterey
Monterey County, California
Hannah Kornfeld, AICP