The 2020 CZU Lightning Complex fire burned extensive portions of the Santa Cruz Mountains, leaving behind large amounts of dead and dying vegetation. The Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County proposed to implement two vegetation treatment projects to remove dead and dying vegetation and improve habitat conditions and ecological resilience. The Resource Conservation District retained Ascent to complete an archaeological survey report with impact assessment and treatment requirements for the Last Chance Road and the Skylark Ranch Girl Scout Camp forest health project, for a total of 120 acres. As a result of the pedestrian surveys, one built environment resource with an archaeological refuse scatter was identified within the Last Chance Road treatment area and two historic-era archaeological sites and one historic-era isolate were identified in the Skylark Ranch treatment area. Equipment Exclusion Zones were established around each of the archaeological sites. Ascent also prepared the cultural resources worker awareness training video and handout to be reviewed by all crew members and contractors implementing vegetation treatment activities.

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of Santa Cruz County
Resource Management