Under an on-call contract with UC Davis, Ascent’s cultural resources team has been responsible for the documentation and evaluation of multiple buildings and structures throughout the UC Davis campus. Our work includes the establishment of historic contexts for each functional area, field survey, archival review, and evaluation of educational and residential buildings, agricultural and veterinary facilities, and airport structures for National Register and California Register eligibility. Ascent’s architectural historians have also prepared multiple memos to document how building modifications and seismic upgrades to existing historical resources would be made in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards to support CEQA exemptions.
On a recent project, our team assisted with AB 52 consultation, which resulted in the identification of tribal sacred lands and a National Register–eligible archaeological site. The site is known to contain many cultural elements including flaked stone, shell beads, human remains, faunal bone, and botanical material, dating from 1500 to 1800. The site was interpreted as a residential and tool production base camp, probably related to smaller seasonal field camps and a larger central village. Ascent prepared an Archaeological and Tribal Cultural Resources Discovery and Treatment Plan for the project site, which was developed in close collaboration with the affected Native American tribe. The plan’s primary goal is to avoid and minimize disturbances to the archaeological deposit during project activities.
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