Ascent assisted Alameda County with preparation of an updated Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP) and Safety Element. The CCAP update considers lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting, a carbon neutrality target, a new pathway to reducing GHG emissions, equity and environmental justice, and the interplay between climate mitigation and adaptation. The Safety Element update addresses climate adaptation and resilience, flooding, wildfires, and evacuation routes. The CCAP, based on current science and best practices, will serve as a resource for the County to map out funding for GHG reduction measures, prioritize implementation actions, and build climate resilience for the unincorporated county’s most vulnerable populations. The CCAP identifies emissions from activities that the County can meaningfully control, focusing the GHG reduction strategies on these sources, and assessing the success the County has already achieved in taking climate action. This effort also presents an opportunity to ensure that the development and implementation of measures is equitable and prioritizes co-benefits for the most vulnerable populations.

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