I am passionate about enhancing the natural environment and balancing resource protection with public access and recreation. I have been able to integrate my passion with my career and focus on wildfire resilience programs and parks, open space, and trail projects. I love to assist my clients with CEQA and NEPA and strategize on efficient pathways for compliance to achieve expeditious implementation of vegetation treatment for wildfire risk reduction and outdoor recreation facility development for enhanced public access. Some of my favorite projects that I have managed include CEQA compliance under the CalVTP Program EIR for wildfire risk reduction projects just outside of my hometown of Santa Cruz and CEQA compliance for new trails and public amenities in the scenic Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve in the South Bay.
In my free time, I enjoy mountain biking, hiking, skiing, camping, traveling, and spending time with my partner and young daughter. My most memorable adventure to date involved gravel riding hut-to-hut through Iceland—what a beautiful country—with the nonprofit organization Climate Ride, which inspires greater understanding and affection for the planet and sustainability through participant adventures, educational programs, and charitable grants.
EBRPD Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline LUPA Program EIR
Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority Malech Road Public Access Improvement Project IS/MND
Board of Forestry and Fire Protection CalVTP Implementation Program
MS, Environmental Science and Management, University of San Francisco
BS, Marine Biology, UC Santa Cruz
California Association of Environmental Professionals
Habitat for Humanity (volunteer)
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (volunteer)