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Kathy Tang

Early on, I was lucky enough to have teachers and academic advisors who nurtured (and indulged) my curiosities so that I could pursue an interdisciplinary education in environmental social science at UC Berkeley. I have been invested in understanding the systemic drivers of climate change and its inequitable impacts in my professional career. I believe responding to the climate emergency requires us to collaborate beyond convention. As an environmental planner, I most enjoy being able to contribute to making the environmental review process accessible, inclusive, and intersectional. I am excited by the opportunity to innovate and implement creative solutions to environmental sustainability.

Outside of work, I love spending time with my family, getting too serious about TV shows, and getting to know my hometown better. I’ve only seen snow once! While I’m in no rush to leave San Diego, I hope to travel in the future to learn about different cultures, climates, and physical geographies.

Environmental Planner
San Diego
Notable Projects

California Department of Cannabis Control/County of Mendocino Cannabis Licensing Program EIR and Site Evaluation

UC Regents CalVTP Grouse Ridge Research Forest and Blodgett Forest Research Station PSA and Addendum

Chico Water Pollution Control Plan Secondary Clarifier No. 6 IS/MND


BS, Society and Environment, UC Berkeley

BA, Geography, UC Berkeley

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