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Haley Shaver

As an urban planner, I believe planning should be people-forward, acting as a force to bring diverse voices in a community together to build an equitable future. My passion for people-forward planning began while working the public counter, where I saw firsthand how the decisions made at the policy level play out on the ground and how zoning regulations, building codes, and environmental laws have an impact on people’s lives and livelihoods. I feel strongly about the need to lead with empathy. It is a powerful tool for building connections and resolving conflicts to foster understanding and trust and work toward more positive outcomes for all involved.

My hobbies of rock climbing, camping, and sewing clothes have helped me develop skills that are valuable in my profession. Rock climbing has taught me the importance of goalsetting, perseverance, and adaptability, which are essential in planning, as projects often involve complex challenges that require a clear goal and the ability to adjust course as needed. Camping has taught me the value of being resourceful and prepared for any situation when unexpected challenges arise. And sewing has helped me develop a keen eye for detail and design. As an urban planner, having an eye for detail is essential when reviewing project plans and ensuring that they meet the necessary standards. The ability to think creatively and design with aesthetics in mind is also valuable when developing public spaces that people will use and enjoy.

Urban Planner
Notable Projects

Fresno County Multi-Jurisdictional Housing Element

Clovis Housing Element


BS, Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning, UC Davis

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